Old Marston Paddock

Project Summary Old Marston Paddock is located on the periphery of Old Marston, situated between the Conservation Area and the A40. The site was allocated under policy SP23 in the adopted Oxford Local Plan 2036, which stipulates a minimum of 39 dwellings and 10% Public Open Space for this site.

Design Approach Contextual analysis of Old Marston Conservation Area and contemporary vernacular precedents from similar urban/rural fringe conditions have informed the design approach to the scheme. In particular, analysis of the Conservation Area and its positive buildings inspired the development of 3 different dwelling typologies that include corner cottages, village terraces and rural courtyard buildings, of which are unified by landscaping, planting and elements of stone walling.

Proposed Scheme The proposed site layout comprises 40 dwellings (50% affordable), and Public Open Space (>10%) that is principally located in the centre of the site. A new pedestrian path and cycle route connects Butts Lane through to the public green space at the centre of the site, subsequently to the wooded area and finally connects to the A40 cycle & footpath. The scheme features 26 houses and 14 flats composed in 3 terraces that face a village green public open space in the centre. Each house has a private garden and the flats benefit from private amenity space such as balconies. The terraces lend themselves to increased thermal efficiency and further sustainable strategies such as high-performance building fabric, photovoltaic panels and air source heat pumps have been incorporated into the scheme. The material palette has been selected to complement Old Marston: Cotswold stone, buff brick, clay tile roofing and dark timber cladding.